Globe valve according to the classification method can be divided into: cast steel globe valve, wedge type gate valves, gate valves, movements of rotating lever type gate valves, quick opening and closing gate valves, gate valves, flat valve mouth shrinkage, etc.
Cast steel globe valve features
Fluid resistance small, apply pressure, temperature range of big, medium flow direction without restriction, sealed performance is good.
Cast steel globe valve construction, installation points
1), installation position, height, import and export direction must comply with the design requirements and should be closely connected firmly.
2), installation in the thermal insulation pipes of the various types of manual valves, handle all must not down.
3), the valve must be carried out before the installation appearance inspection, the nameplate valve should be consistent with existing national standards "the common valve symbol" GB 12220 rules. To work more than 1.0 MPa pressure and played a role in ZhuGanGuan cut off the valve, before the installation, should strength and strict performance test, qualified rear must use. Strength test, the test pressure for nominal pressure of 1.5 times, duration of no less than 5 min, the valve should be no leakage of housing, packing for qualified. Strict test, the test pressure for nominal pressure of 1.1 times; Test pressure in the duration of the test should comply with the GB 50243 standard requirement, in order to disc seal face no leakage for qualified.